Saturday, July 4, 2020

Spiritual Meditation with Gurudev Siyag

Kundalini, the universal divine energy, is present in every human being in a dormant state at the base of the spinal column. It can be awakened only by the grace of a Siddha Guru. Once awakened, it starts rising up to reach 'Sahasrara' where the Supreme Power resides. During this upward journey, it clears all the blockages which are present due to past life Karmas and brings harmony in the body, mind and spirit. It travels through 'Sushmna' channel and pierces through all the 'Chakras and 'Granthis'. An empowered Siddha Guru, Gurudev Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag has been awakening the Kundalini of seekers around the world by Shaktipat Initiation through Sanjeevani Mantra for the last 30 years. This mantra is conscious and very powerful as it has the spiritual powers of innumerable Gurus in it. The disciples experience different kinds of Yogic Kriyas while meditating on Gurudev Siyag's picture. These Yogic Movements are induced automatically by the awakened Kundalini. They are different for different disciples. The Yogic Kriyas cleanses the practitioner's body from all kinds of diseases and addictions and prepares it for a higher spiritual journey. The practice ultimately leads to Self Realization. • This is an easy to do spiritual practice based on meditation and chanting. • It can be easily done in the comfort of your home. You don't need to travel or meet anyone. • It requires no change in food habits and lifestyle. • It is absolutely free of cost. To know more about Gurudev Siyag's Siddha Yoga, please follow the links given below: Website: Phone: +91-0291-2753699, +91-9784742595 Email:

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